Sunday 23 May 2010

Four Lions


Yesterday I went to see Four Lions, the feature debut from Chris Morris, the brains behind Brass Eye amongst other things. This isn’t going to be a review or anything, just a recommendation.

Go. See. This. Movie.

Seriously, this is an absolute must-see movie. Hilariously funny, and wonderfully smart. Afterwards there was a Q&A with Chris Morris and a few of the actors which really opened up the whole movie. You can appreciate the thought and research that went into making it.

So yeah, go and see Four Lions.

Also, apparently there are like, 30 people following this RSS feed. This’ll make me sound like an absolute loser, but I think that’s really cool. I didn’t know there were so many people who were interested in the crap I have to say. So thanks a lot :). Why not leave a comment, let me know who you are?



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