Tuesday 9 June 2009

The Pope cries tears of hypocrisy and lies

Today I read in the newspaper that the Pope was "visibly upset" when he heard the "revelation" about the clerical abuse of young children.

"Pope Benedict was “visibly upset” by horrific revelations of sexual, physical and emotional torture of children uncovered by the Ryan inquiry, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin revealed yesterday."
Am I the only one who reads this and is shocked by the stunning hypocrisy in it? The Pope led the cover-up of child abuse in the Catholic church. This was not a "revelation" for Mr Ratzinger. The Pope knew all along about the child molestation, and his reaction was to cover it up. I was actually disgusted when I read this. The Pope pretended to weep when he was faced in public with the Ryan report. He is a fake, as if we didn't already know that.

How long are we going to rely on someone like the Pope. How long is it going to be until we grow out of this childish habit of following this old deranged man who wears stupid clothes and looks like a villain from Star Wars. The Pope is a mentally ill old man, and nobody should listen to him. He should be in a padded cell, not living it up in the Vatican.

The longer we look to the Pope for advice on moral and social issues, the longer it is going to take for us to advance. The Pope is holding us back, pure and simple. He is not the only thing that holds us back, but he is a strong contributing factor. One day, we will look back and feel ashamed that people used to listen to this crazy old man who is out of touch with society but still holds power to control people.

I know this is like, my third rant on the Pope, but he's a worthy target. Okay, he's not "worthy", but he deserves it. It is also bad journalism for the newspapers to report that the Pope was "visibly upset" about the child abuse without bringing up the fact that he covered it up.

I don't know what else to say. Fuck the Pope.

I'm sorry I haven't been posting in the last two weeks. I've had exams, then I had to pack up all my stuff to move back home as I've finished the first year of university. Writing this has got be back into the way of it though. Expect more soon. I have some ideas for reviews and things.

Anyway, talk to you all soon.



Conor Campbell said...

It's nice to see that someone says what needs to be said occasionally.

By the way Simon, your posts are my only link to modern events these days so keep em posting :D

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