Sunday 24 May 2009

[Album Review] Eminem - Relapse, 2009

Eminem has been out of the loop for five years now, as "Encore" was released in 2004. I have loved Eminem since "The Eminem Show", but I did like him back in the days of "The Slim Shady LP" and "The Marshall Mathers LP". His catalogue shows a person who has grown from a boy into a man. Listening back to his old songs there is an element of immaturity in them. However comparing them to some of his new songs, the differences are so evident. It feels like his audience have grown with him. As Eminem puts his experiences and thoughts into his songs, and we listen to these songs and feel emotionally connected to them, we can experience his growth. Every album he's released has shown evolution and growth with him. Some people don't like "Encore", but I think it's an excellent album, and "The Eminem Show" is one of my all-time favourite albums. When I was younger I liked metal and all this crap, however I would listen to Eminem in secret. My friends weren't fans and I knew they wouldn't look too kindly on me listening to rap music. However, there is a lot more in it with Eminem. I used to be able to mouth the words to most of the songs on "The Eminem Show". Since then I haven't been able to stop listening.

Okay, so with that little brief history out the way, let's move onto "Relapse". This album has been criticized with being overly bitter and offensive, however to me, that is it's strong point. The last few albums have had maybe two or three slower songs, and a few really dirty offensive songs, then a bit of filler. However this album has pretty much one slow song, then the rest are the dirty songs. And I do not mean dirty in a bad way at all. Every album has one song on it which is really scathing towards culture and governments, things like that. On "The Eminem Show" it was "Square Dance" and "White America", on "Encore" it was "Mosh" and on "Relapse", it's "Medicine Ball" and "Bagpipes From Baghdad". I suppose in the last five years, Eminem has had a lot more to write about in regards to politics.

Everybody is aware the Eminem's personal life is a little messed up. "Cleaning Out My Closet" was a really popular song and was a real insight into his childhood. This album does not hold back at all. I have a feeling he just, doesn't care anymore. It certainly makes for some very good listening. Songs like "My Mom" and "Insane" are very very scathing towards his parents.

One thing that seems really clear in this song is the topic of murder, and other various serious crimes. However it's not done like 50 Cent would do it ("pop a cap in yo' ass"). It's done in a much more cynical and obsessive way. These songs are definite little insights into Eminem's psyche. The most obvious of these songs are "3.A.M." and "Same Song & Dance". I definitely recommend them.

The thing that we can be sure of with Eminem is that the writing is really tight. I honestly do think that he is one of the most talented lyricists in popular music nowadays. He doesn't hold back at all, and it really comes out in "Relapse". Personally, my favourite song on the album is "Beautiful". I know it's one of his more slower songs, and I've been praising his more scathing songs in this review, but "Beautiful" just puts this album on a whole other scale. It's wonderful song. Wonderfully written, wonderfully performed. It's just excellent. And it strikes a personal chord with me.

So, if you only listen to one song on this album, listen to "Beautiful". If you want songs to avoid, I'd say "Must Be The Ganja". It's a pretty basic song, not too much to it. Apart from that, this album really is fantastic. I'm so looking forward to "Relapse 2" later on this year. It's good to just have some more Eminem to listen to, I've been subjected to Lil' Wayne for too long. Maybe it's just me, but is every song in the charts at the minute total shit? Looks that way. Anyway, that's another post for another day.

I give this album 9/10. Better than "Encore", as good as "The Eminem Show". It's a real good addition to his catalogue. I'm listening to it on repeat at the minute. I highly recommend you go out and buy it, especially if you are a fan of Eminem. If you are unsure about Eminem, I would listen to "The Eminem Show" first, it contains a few more of his more relaxed songs.


Thanks for reading


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