Here is the fruits of a little project I've been working on for a few months. It's an icon set that will make your dock look all lovely and circular! They're in .icns format as, for some reason, the .png files didn't work at all as icons. Anyway, it's good practice to use .icns files.
Regardless, to install these icons, I recommend Candybar (for the applications) and LiteIcon (for the system/folder icons). Two amazing pieces of software that make this whole installation process a million times easier. The only problem is iCal, for which I've included specific installation instructions.
So, without further ado, here is what the icons look like! You can click the preview to instantly download the icons, or click the download link below!
Full list of icons (as of 27/12/2010):
Address Book, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Apps Folder, Audacity, Burn Folder, Desktop Folder, Developer Folder, Dictionary, Documents Folder, Downloads Folder, Dropbox Folder, DVD, Finder, Flickr, Folder, Garageband, Google Chrome, Groups Folder, iCal, iChat, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, Library Folder, Mail, Movies Folder, MS Excel, MS Messenger, MS Oulook, MS Powerpoint, MS Word, Music Folder, Open Folder, Pictures Folder, Preview, Public Folder, RSS, Safari, Server Folder, Sharing Folder, Sites Folder, Skype, Smart Folder, System Folder, System Preferences, Time Machine, Torrent, Trash Empty, Trash Full, Twitter, Users Folder, Utilities Folder, Word Processor.
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