Saturday 3 April 2010

Kick Ass

Hey there,

Feeling a bit funny today. Bittersweet, so to speak.

I met up with my friend and his girlfriend and walked around the city centre for a bit, before going to the cinema to watch Kick Ass.

The movie was good, a few bothering things, but good overall. A tad gruesome and it had some very funny moments. I definitely recommend it to see in the cinema. It’s a pretty true representation of teenage life, at least at the start. Obviously it would take someone with mental deficiencies to actually go out and fight crime dressed as a superhero. Also, a video of him becomes the ‘most watched clip on the internet’, which sounds kind of general, but it’s nothing big really.

I’ll do a review of it in the next few days, and post it up here :).

I won’t go into why the day was bitter, but it’s not a huge deal.

Also, I dyed a little bit of my hair red last night and I’m really pleased with the results.

I also realised that there’s a problem with trying to load the site straight from an RSS reader. I know why it doesn’t work, but fixing it makes the rest of the site not work, so I’ll just deal with it.

If you want to see what the new site looks like, then just click here.

I actually have some more good news. I’m now writing on the design blog of FringeFX. You can read my first post here. It’s a great little (ha) community and it’s so cool to be writing for them!

I best be off. This is the earliest I’ve got a BEDA10 post out this year!

Talk to you sexy beasts tomorrow,


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