Friday 9 April 2010

Ian Huntley

Ian Kevin Huntley is a man who murdered two ten year-old girls in 2002, in Soham, Cambridgeshire. What he did is inexcusable and deplorable, and he couldn't get a long enough prison sentence if you ask me. I want to preface this post by stating that Ian Huntley's actions were disgusting and horrific, and my deepest sympathies go out to the parents of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. I will not be trying to excuse what Huntley did in any way. What happened happened, and now he's paying the price for his mistakes in prison.

This past week, Ian Huntley was taken to hospital as his throat had been slashed by another inmate. There are implications that the authorities in the prison turned a blind eye to attacks on Huntley in the past. Now, Huntley is claiming compensation for the attack. He is set to receive as much money as the parents of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman received collectively for their murders. Now everyone is in a fit about this and 'Justice' Secretary Jack Straw has vowed to fight any claim.

I'm not going to comment on the fact that Huntley is set to receive as much as the parents of the girls he murdered. That's bullshit, but it's the failing of the original payout, not this payout. They should have got more. That is undeniable, but it doesn't mean that Huntley shouldn't be entitled to a fair amount of compensation.

Right, so on to the important bit. The problem with what happened here is that there is a lot of emotion surrounding this case. People don't see Ian Huntley as a human being, but as a monster.

The thing is, Ian Huntley is a human being. Regardless of the fact that he killed two girls, he still has human rights and still needs protecting. If the guards did not do their job and turned a blind eye to the attacks, then he should get compensation.

I basically wrote this post like a week ago, and can no longer be bothered to finish my point.

You get the idea though.




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