Wednesday 23 September 2009

Old-Fashioned Blogging

I haven't written just a plain old blog for a while. They've all been about some kind of topic or what not, so I thought I'd just have a chat.

I've decided to put a little banner at the top of each of my posts, just to make them look a little jazzier :) I like how it looks, and I'd love a bit of feedback on them.

I signed up for some societies today at university, six to precise. The Law Society, Law Mooting Society (which is effectively just making legal arguments), Photography Society, Secular Society, Film Society (which sounds amazing) and the Scottish National Party (which I was peer pressured into). Last year I only joined three societies, and I really wanted to join a few more this year. I just had this bug and I really wanted to sign up for like, every society.

I was annoyed that people from the Army, Navy and RAF were at this societies fair thing. In my opinion, people should think about that possible career path after their studies, rather than in the middle of them. My school did the same thing. It made it compulsory to join either the Army, Navy, RAF or community services for two years. Now quite a few people I know are in the forces, when they probably wouldn't have been interested in it before.

Anyway, I could get into a big rant about that.

I made a decision about what subject I'm doing at university. My course has been Law with European Studies, however I've been wanting to drop European Studies, because it's really boring. So now, in my first semester, instead of doing Introduction to European Legal Systems, I'll be doing Forensic Medicine. How exciting does that sound?! I'm not even being sarcastic. I'm really looking forward to it. I bet it's mega boring though just to thoroughly burst my proverbial balloon.

I might also contribute a bit to this new Student Magazine called Vox-Pop. I've been very much into writing ever since BEDA, and it sounded like a good idea. However it's more like, reporting, whereas I'm more into opinions and subjectivity. So we'll just have to see where that goes.

I'm reading In The Miso Soup by Ryu Murakami at the minute and I absolutely love it! I really highly recommend it.

Em, I stuck a fake moustache to my guitar today, just to give it some character.

As you can tell, I think I've ran out of things to say. I could probably think of more if I tried, but I'm tired, and I'm going to sleep.


I'm so doing this more often.


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