Friday 9 July 2010


Hey there everyone.

Sorry for the neglect I've been giving this blog recently. I've just been blogging photos really. I do write for the FringeFX Art Blog regularly, and I will eventually post those articles here for you to read. You can read them over there now if you like, or wait for me to post them up here eventually.

So what have I been doing? Well, bits and bobs really. It looks like I'm going to be doing some freelance graphics design work over the next few months, which is really cool. I've also gone back to playing my guitar and my ukelele, which I had kind of ignored since I went back to university last year.

I'm really getting in to Star Trek these days. I'm nearly on Season 4 of The Next Generation and I'm loving it. It's really quite campy at times, but it's so good. I've got a ridiculous amount of TV to watch. Alias, Fringe, X-Files, Battlestar Galactica, Life on Mars, Bones, Star Trek: Enterprise; all of these I own but have not watched yet. It's really quite bad.

My auntie and uncle were here about a week ago and my uncle gave me all this old camera equipment. It's seriously awesome. Even just to take pictures of it is cool, let alone with it. I also found out that all the old SLR filters fit my OWLE Bubo, so I'm able to play around with them a bit more.

I'm probably going to go now and play some Red Dead Redemption online, perhaps try and get my level up a bit more. I usually don't bother with levels, but when it actually means that I will get a better character in the game, it's a bit important.

Hooah and all that. Shall be chatting to you all soon.

Toodle pip.



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